Our vision states that: "We shall be the first choice throughout the entire value chain on the fish’s journey from the ocean to the plate" This implies that we strive to be the preferred partner for the fishermen, and a preferred supplier of quality seafood to our customers throughout the world. We provide our fishermen and customer’s stability, control and continuity throughout the value chain. This enables us to extract the full value of the fish.

We operate as the link between the fishermen and the seafood consumers, and seek to collaborate with every part of the supply chain. Collaboration is important to ensure continuous production of seafood and a stable product flow to the consumers. We like to keep in mind that together with the fishermen, we have the common objective to increase consumption of seafood throughout the world.
We aim to be the fishermen's preferred choice, by offering them flexibility and good prices. Further, we listen to our customers in order to adjust our products to their preferences. Brødrene Sperre values the opinion and feedback we receive from all our partners.

Each fish processed at our plants are carefully checked. We strive to deliver only good quality seafood products to our customers, and we have a strict quality selection before processing. We also inspect samples of the fish before it is distributed to our customers. This is something we offer our customers to do at our facility at Sperre.

Brødrene Sperre pays tribute to its heritage by serving as an important link between the rich sustainable fish resources in Norway and the global market. Our company is certified according to MSC chain of custody standard. We acknowledge our responsibility to ensure that the seafood processed at our factories is sustainably caught. As a major seafood producer, we have a big responsibility towards preserving the fragile ecosystems outside our coast. We offer full traceability of our products. We register dates, catching ground, catching equipment and production methods, in order to provide our customers with a customized product produced especially for their needs.

With the world’s best fishing grounds right outside our factories, the fishermen are able to bring raw material of the highest quality. Brødrene Sperre dedicates every available resource in preserving this quality and freshness in every step of production. Brødrene Sperre aims to ensure that the knowledge of our costumers preferences is implemented in every step of the production process. Due to our organization’s ability to continuously adapt to market changes we are able to supply the highest quality products to the market. We have a fully implemented food safety system based on the HACCP principles in all our production lines. These principles are established to ensure the safety of the food we eat, by implementing standard rules regarding, among others, storing temperatures, cleaning routines and maintenance specifications.
Read our policy for food safety and quality here (in Norwegian only)

The Norwegian Parliament passed "The Transparency Act" in 2022. The purpose of the Act is to promote enterprises' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services and ensure the general public access to information regarding how enterprises address adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
Please read our statement here (in Norwegian only): Åpenhetsloven - utgreiing av aktsemdvurderingar